On 10th of December, Young FoEE was glad to participate on round table organized by Equinox: Racial Justice Initiative to discuss the European Green Deal and present the Youth Proposal of #SystemResetProject
The discussion between EU Executive Vice President Commissioner Timmermans and racial justice organisations/activists is very much appreciated.

The European Green Deal has to ensure that all of us and in particular young people from under-represented communities are part of the decision-making processes.
We want to build a narrative of the future that we – the people – want. Because we a change – right? But a change that everyone can feel, not just the privileged ones – a truly just European Green Deal.
Josef Boraei, Young FoEE
We would like to thank Equinox: Racial Justice Initiative and all racial justice organisations/activists for the great discussion as well as EU Executive Vice President Commissioner Timmermans.
We are looking forward to work together for Climate and Social Justice, including justice for BiPOC people (Black Indiginous and People of Colour)!