If you can come to Paris for longer than a couple of days at the end of the talks for the big mobilisations on December 11th and 12th, here’s a run-down of the other activities planned for the two weeks in Paris.
Meanwhile, if you can’t make it to Paris, keep an eye out for these events and consider supporting them on social media, or organising solidarity actions where you live.
Besides the Friends of the Earth weekend of actions on 11-12 December at the end of the climate talks there will be lots of activities happening during the two weeks of COP21. Young FoEE will organize actions and other activities, Friends of the Earth International will participate in the actions of allies, and will organize actions ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ the COP venue, and will take part in the convergences of civil society.
If you can’t make it to Paris, these are also key dates to watch out for to support on social media, or to support with decentralised actions where you live.
28-29 November Demonstrations in major cities across the world, including Madrid, Amsterdam and London, uniting many voices. We’ll get ahead of the politicians to set out people’s demands for food, jobs, energy and poverty eradication.
Think about supporting or organising a demonstration in your country in line with our movement building objectives and to connect the climate struggle to the struggle for justice – we suggest to call the mobilisations ‘The March for Climate, Justice and Jobs’.
3 December – Pinocchio Awards ceremony in Paris
From December 5th onwards a big space for convergence, debates and mobilization will be open to all those who want to take part in this citizen mobilization as well as contribute to alternative solutions to climate change.
5-6 December – The Village of Alternatives – Alternatiba – opens to showcase and create people’s solutions. We will be there with some community power activities as well.
10 December – Big international anti-fracking gathering organized by FoEE together with organisations and groups fighting the fracking industry in the US. This will be an opportunity for communities and organisations opposing fracking on every continent to meet, network, share experiences, build synergies and develop joint strategies for the future. A fracking action is planned as well, date and location to be confirmed.
11 December – Join the joint Friends of the Earth ‘People. Power. Action.’ on the Energy Revolution. Come and join us to be part of the Energy Revolution and call for People-power now! Support either in person in Paris or support us from home.
12 December – The original mass-mobilisation for December 12 was cancelled due to the heightened security situation in Paris. However, we are working hard towards a creative alternative that will make our message of peple hower and climate justice heard across the city and beyond. Make sure to check the YFoEE, FoEE and FoEI social media feeds for more information as we finalise plans.
2016: More actions – Paris is a beginning, not an end. We will plan more actions in 2016.
Our timeline for actions in the run-up to Paris and beyond – scroll through!