Cane has been farming for just over a year, and despite discouraging comments, he has taken the plunge and left his job to dedicate himself to farming full-time. Together with Cassandra, they have been on a journey to explore new possibilities in the world of agriculture in Malta.
“I’m Cane from Biome Munch, a new farm. I’m not really a new farmer, as my family has been farming for generations. They have always grown food and practiced agriculture. When I decided to take the step I had to check what to do – what to do and how to grow it. So I went to speak to other farmers to get some advice.
“I was told to either forget it or to grow wheat. Because you only tend to it once a year. But I tried to explain to them that I want to grow good local food for the people. Produce that’s seasonal and fresh – and there’s a lack of.
Then I met Cassandra, and she made me realise that people really want this product.”
Cassandra is from Canada, and has lived in Malta for about five years.
“There’s a lot of things I see in terms of systems that for me were just the norm in Canada that just haven’t been available in Malta.
“So we decided to take what we were doing and make it convenient for people – people who can’t afford organic, or who say ‘I have to go all the way here’, there’s just a lot of buts.
“We say: we have this veg, for this amount, we’ll bring it to you every week, it’s not going to cost you any more than it does to go to the grocery shop. Actually it’s less because you save on the petrol and the hassle.
“I believe that what we’re doing is a different way of approaching agriculture in Malta and making good food more accessible to people.”