Young Friends of The Earth Europe has taken an important role in Reclaim Power – a collaboration of social movements, international networks, NGOs and grassroots groups from across the globe that work together with the aim to fight dirty energy projects, transform energy systems and combat climate change. This year, we need your help to work alongside them to fight for climate justice between October 10th and 18th.
There is already strong momentum within the network. Last year, during a month of action, in more than 60 countries around the world there were over 580 actions where people raised their voices against fracking, fossil fuel subsidies, megadams, agrofuels, coal, oil, nuclear, and many other important struggles. Meanwhile, they made their voices heard for renewable energy systems owned and operated by communities.
This year, we aim to be stronger than ever in our fight for climate justice – and ALL OF YOU are part of the struggle! Many of you are already fighting dirty industries and their dirty energy projects within your towns, villages, cities, and countries – and we want to hear all about your fight. In order to reclaim power and amplify our voice, we invite you to join this year’s Global Week of Action on Energy, from the 10th to 18th of October. We want to hear how you and your group can get involved, as well as how can we support you.
The week of action will include days of action against: fossil fuel subsidies and investments; coal; fracking; oil; nuclear; mega-dams; waste incineration; and agrofuels. We will also use the week to highlight public and community controlled alternative energy systems that work for people and the planet.
Confirmed dates for this year’s days of action include:
• Day of Action on the World Bank and Subsidies – October 10th and 11th
• Day of Action on TTIP – October 11th
• Global Frackdown – October 11th
• Day of Action Against Waste Incineration – October 14th
• Day of Action Against Nuclear Power – October 15th
• World Food Day – Action Against Megadams and Agrofuels – October 16th
• Day of Action Against Coal – October 17th
• Day of Action to Call For Community Energy Alternatives – October 18th
A full calendar and guidelines on how to communicate about your actions is available here.
Last year many YFoEE groups took part in the month of action, and this time we want to make it even bigger.
For more information, see the above flyer, and contact us at for any further questions and/or for any assistance needed! Let us know what kind of materials/toolkits you need to help you with organising actions and we will make sure you receive them.
You can share your plans here and let us know as well so we can show the strength of our • September Peoples Climate Mobilisations – Week around September 21st