***Registration is now closed for this event***

After ten days of sessions, the project SYSTEM:RESET (led by Young Friends of the Earth Europe) will aim at collecting young people’s visions on what European Green New Deal should look like, including concrete demands and goals for European and national governments. Make your voice heard!
*All session will be in English.
*In all our events, we follow Safer Spaces policies. Before joinig the sessions, please, get familiar with the concept at: shorturl.at/uwKZ9
This event is organised with the financial support of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and the European Union.
List of sessions
- Welcome session! Thursday 3 September, 5.00-7.00 pm (CEST)
Join us for two hours share our expectations regarding the programme and to get to know each other. There will be many games and time for social interactions!
Speakers/trainers: organisation team
- Meditation, Thursday 3 September, 7.00-8.00 pm (CEST)
Join Andri Antoniou for an hour or meditation. The session will start with breathing exercises (pyranayamas) and will be followed by a guided chakra meditation session.
Speakers/trainers: Andri Antoniou
- TV show: Everything you have always wanted to know about European Green Deal, Friday 4 September, 5.00-7.00 pm (CEST)
In a “TV-show” style, a panel of thematic experts will be interviewed about the European Green Deal launched by the European Commission and will share their (critical) points of view about some of the main objectives and measures. TV spectators will have the opportunity to ask questions to the panel!
Speakers/trainers: TV-panel of experts at Friends of the Earth Europe
- Ecology of Social Movements 1: Strategy, roles and phases in movement building, Friday 4 September, 7.00-9.00 pm (CEST)
First session of a three-episode series about the “Ecology of Social Movements”. In this session, Gee and Neus will look at two modern historical examples. They will explore ways of thinking strategically about campaign and organisational development in the context of movement building. Together with the participants, they’ll look at movement typologies, and the concepts of roles and phases.
Speakers/trainers: Gee, Programme Director & Neus, Project Manager at ULEX
- Body Music, Saturday 5 September, 8.30-9.30 am (CEST)
Moving Around Music [MoAM] is an interactive practice session of how to play music while dancing, or how to move around music, and even make music move around! This exciting experience is mostly known as percussive dance, body music, rhythm dancing, body percussion, body drumming, and many more! In MoAM we will explore the sounds that the human body can make while moving and learn simple rhythm patterns with our closest instrument…our body! We will also learn about the different pioneers of this art and how it can be used as a tool for team-building and community work. MoAM is useful and appropriate for all ages, cultures, and abilities!
Speakers/trainers: Natasha Martin
- Commons through intersectionality, Saturday 5 September, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm (CEST)
- Ecology of Social Movements 2: Diversity, antagonism and creative tensions in movement building, Saturday 5 September, 2.00-4.00 pm (CEST)
In this second session of the “Ecology of Social Movements” series, Gee and Neus will explain why working well with the diversity of our movements is crucial to build scale and collective agency. They’ll explore how diverse strategies of transformation and political identities can both empower and undermine our movement building.
Speakers/trainers: Gee, Programme Director & Neus, Project Manager at ULEX
- Advocating for Climate Justice: experience and tips, Saturday 5 September, 5.00-7.00 pm (CEST)
In this session, Nathan will share his experience and give advise to the participants about representing the voice of young people in the political arena, especially on the topic of Climate Justice.
Speakers/trainers: Nathan Méténier, External Relations Officer at Youth & Environment Europe and Coordinator of Generation Climate Europe
- Why intersectionality matters? Sunday 6 September, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm (CEST)
Introduction to the current state of movements globally and in Europe and to why intersectionality is important in movement building. Discussion on who is mostly affected by environmental and social injustices and how they are misrepresented in the current movements and decision making processes. Some solutions to what needs to be done in order to build more intersectional and more powerful movements will be presented and discussed.
Speakers/trainers: Simona Getova, MSc in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management
- Ecology of Social Movements 3: Movement mapping and nurturing our movement ecology, Sunday 6 September, 2.00-4.00 pm (CEST)
Third and final episode of the series about the “Ecology of Social Movements”. In this session Gee and Neus will use movement mapping tools to begin to analyse our own context and explore interventions or strategies for improving the health of our movement ecology.
Speakers/trainers: Gee, Programme Director & Neus, Project Manager at ULEX
- Racial Justice: decolonizing climate movement, Sunday 6 September, 5.00-7.00 pm (CEST)
Intersectionality in practice: How is the racial dimension tackled by the climated movement? Is climate justice only for a fraction of the population? Don’t miss this session!
Speakers/trainers: Tonny Nowshin, Climate and Degrowth activist, Researcher at Urgewald
- Fossil fuel: why it has to stop!, Sunday 6 September, 7.00-9.00 pm (CEST)
Gastivists and Ende Gelaende will join forces for this session. Activists from both networks will talk about their fight against coal and gas respectively and for climate justice. Join to learn more about how to build momentum for civil disobedience actions and how you can participate!
The Gastivists is a small horizontal collective which supports grassroots groups who fight new gas infrastructure, facilitate the flow of information between NGOs and local groups, and help build a movement that will stop gas. They see gas as a lense to fight against capitalism, neocolonialism, racism and the patriarchy.
Ende Gelaende is a network in Germany that fights for climate justice and against coal; it regularly mobilises several thousand activists to engage in civil disobedience actions, such as blockades of lignite infrastructure.
Speakers/trainers: Gastivists and Ende Gelaende
- The impact of climate change: Climate Refugees, Monday 7 September, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm (CEST)
Millions of people are (and will) abandon their homes as a consequence of climate change. Is there a legal way to protect them? What difficulties does this category entail?
Speakers/trainers: Beatriz Felipe, Doctor of Law, researcher and consultant in environmental law, climate migration and global justice
- Climate, covid, capitalism – why we need a global green new deal, Monday 7 September, 5.00-7.00 pm (CEST)
Climate change, pandemic, economic system, etc. The crisis that we currently face has many causes and severe impacts. Asad Rehman will explain us why the concept of Green New Deal – at the golobal level – is the most adapted response to this multi-dimensional crisis.
Speakers/trainers: Asad Rehman, Executive Director at War on Want
- Anti-oppression: Empowerment and Inclusion, Monday 7 September, 7.00-8.30 pm (CEST)
In this session, participants will discuss about knowledge, skills and perspectives to challenge oppression and create spaces for empowered inclusion.
Speakers/trainers: Eweryst, social activist, trainer and project leader at ULEX
- Farm to Fork: What we produce, what we eat. The impact of agriculture, Tuesday 8 September, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm (CEST)
The way we produce our food and what we (want to) eat have enormous potential on our environment, the bio-diversity, climate change and global health. In this session, Stanka will discuss (critically) with you, the political response of the EU to food and agriculture challenges. How is this related to the concept of European Green Deal? How can we influence European politics to make the European agriculture more sustainable?
Speakers/trainers: Campaigner on Food Sovereignty at Friends of the Earth Europe (TBC)
- What about white priviledge? Tuesday 8 September, 5.00-7.00 pm (CEST)
Register for this workshop if you are a white person who is interested in dismantling your implicit biases, practicing how to use an intersectional lens, and want to learn key skills for turning your privilege into change. You will be encouraged to make mistakes, take risks, try new behaviors, and feel your honest feelings.
Speakers/trainers: Kyle Sawyer, anti-oppression facilitator and educator
- Transformative Collaboration: Effective Groups, Tuesday 8 September, 7.00-9.00 pm (CEST)
The impact we can have depends on how well we can work together in our groups and teams. Working together also creates important spaces for embodying our values collectively. But working together inevitably brings up challenges. We’ll explore some key skills and understanding to help make our collaborations effective and empowering.
Speakers/trainers: Neus, Project Manager and Ella, Project Coordinator at ULEX
- Why should we refuse trade agreements, focus on EU-MERCOSUR, Wednesday 9 September, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm (CEST)
How can international trade agreements cancel any possibility of system change? The threat of UE-Mercosur and Energy Chart Treaty.
Speakers/trainers: Marta Garcia, Campaigner of “No to Trade and Investment Treaties” in Spain and Lora Verheecke, Campaigner on Trade and Investment at Friends of the Earth Europe
- Eco-feminism is the key! Wednesday 9 September, 5.00-7.00 pm (CEST)
This workshop explores ecofeminist theory and activism, highlighting the links between feminism and environmentalism. We’ll explore together why we need a feminist response to the climate crisis and learn about ecofeminist examples from around the world. No experience of these issues is needed to join in!
Speakers/trainers: V’cenza Cirefice, PhD Researcher at NUI Galway
- Regenerative and Sustainable Activism, Wednesday 9 September, 7.00-8.30 pm (CEST)
We need to incorporate a healthy, resilient and adaptable culture into our movements. How do we include that through inclusive facilitation, questioning power in groups or conflict resolution?
Speakers/trainers: Eweryst, social activist, trainer and project leader at ULEX
- Stories of Resistance, Thursday 10 September, 7.00-9.00 pm (CEST)
Come and join this session to hear from people and communities who are under threat and who resist! A selection of inspirational cases will be presented, directly by the people who lead the resistance.
Speakers/trainers: to be announced
- Climate Justice: Mobilising for COP26 and Beyond, Friday 11 September, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm (CEST)
COP26 is going to be a key meeting in terms of climate negotiations, but what can we expect from this COP? And what can we do to favor agreements that are ambitious enough? What does the Global South have to say on this?
Speakers/trainers: Dipti Bhatnagar and Sara Shaw, international co-coordinators of Climate Justice in Friends of the Earth
- How “green” is Green Recovery? Friday 11 September, 7.00-9.00 pm (CEST)
Green Recovery, as Green New Deal, are not as “green” or “fair” as they are supposed to be. How can we use them to make a real change? Which would be the principles of green recovery?
Speakers/trainers: Blanca Ruibal, coordinator at Friends of the Earth Spain and expert in Food Sovereignty and Karin Nansen, international coordinator of Friends of the Earth and expert in Global Justice
- Yoga session, Saturday 12 September, 8.30-9.30 am (CEST)
To start the weekend, enjoy a nice yoga session with Andri.
Speakers/trainers: Andri Antoniou
- Skill-share session, Saturday 12 September, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm (CEST)
- Communications in times of pandemic
With Tamsyn Hyatt, Senior Communications Strategist, at the Frameworks Institute
(If you wish to attend this session, please fill in this short anonymous survey) - Non-Violent Direct Action (NVDA)
With Candela Fernández, activist at Extinction Rebellion‘s action group; Thais Bonilla and Serlinda Vigara,coordinators of communication and projects related to civil and political rights in NOVACT.
- Communications in times of pandemic
- Skill-share session, Saturday 12 September, 2.00-4.00 pm (CEST)
- Building a strong communication strategy
With Francesca Gater, Communications Coordinator at Friends of the Earth Europe
(If you wish yo attend this session, please, fill in this short anonymous survey) - Regenerative culture
With Imogen Godwin, Activist in Extinction Rebellion’s regenerative culture group - Non-Violent Communication
With Agnieszka Komoch, Head of Operations at Friends of the Earth Europe (Tbc)
- Building a strong communication strategy
- Cinema session! Saturday 12 September, 7.00-9.00 pm (CEST)
Join for a free cinema session! We keep the title of the movie confidential… Surprise!
- Common Struggles and Shared Values, Sunday 13 September, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm (CEST)
Join this session to discuss our common struggles and indentify our shared values. For this interactive sessions, the organisers foresee a lot of interactions and good fun!
Speakers/trainers: organisation team
- World-Cafes for developing strategies and 6 Big Ideas to Change the World, Sunday 13 September, 2.00-4.00 pm (CEST)
Six ideas to change the World? Challenge accepted! Come and make your voice heard to shape the European Youth’s Grean New Deal and shape our future.
Speakers/trainers: organisation team
- Let’s change the system together (closing session), Sunday 13 September, 5.00-7.00 pm (CEST)
That’s already the closing session and therefore, the last chance to express your opinion and tell us what a Green New Deal should look like! Let’s celebrate 10 days of discussions and decide what we will do together!
Speakers/trainers: organisation team
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/online-gathering-for-climate-social-justice-tickets-117763270111
This event is organised with the financial support of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and the European Union.