Today, with Push Europe and Friends of the Earth International we gathered to construct a 10 metre tall inflatable dinosaur outside of the UN Climate Talks. Yet this no was ordinary T-Rex, this was the Dirty Carbon Dinosaur ‘Coal-Zilla’, a representative of the outdated and fossilised interests of transnational corporations, big energy investors, and many governments of developed countries.
As delegates walked into Poland’s national stadium, they witnessed the dinosaur deflate and die under pressure from civil society, taking with it the coal, gas, and corporate power that had made it so large (it was quite a greedy dinosaur). See highlights of the action in the video below.
The demonstration was delivered with a serious message. Keep outdated dirty energy out of the climate talks.
The world scientists agree, unless we stop burning fossil fuels the world faces catastrophic climate change. Fossil fuels along with other so-called alternatives, such as nuclear power, biomass and mega-dams, have serious environmental and social costs that are not compatible with a clean and safe future.
What We Demand:
- An immediate ban on all new dirty energy projects and reducing energy dependence
- An end to tax-payer handouts to dirty energy corporations
- Support for locally-appropriate, climate-safe, affordable, clean renewables
- You can read more about the messaging behind the action here.