All our reports, infographics and other resources on climate justice, food sovereignty, and building a badass intersectional movement of young people.
Young FoEE Booklet & Resource
This booklet offers campaigns & activities designed for and by young people, and inspirational articles, poems and stories, by the Young Friends of the Earth Europe volunteers. Now, more than ever, we can witness the interlinked crisis on many fron …
Our Green Deal for Europe – A Just One
This Youth Proposal for a Green Deal for Europe presents a narrative of the future we want and of the urgent intersectional transformation that is needed in our society. It presents young people’s visions for a socially just and ecologically sound futu …
Pathways to food sovereignty in Ireland
In this publication, Young Friends of the Earth Ireland explore options to transition the Irish food system towards a sustainable model based on food sovereignty.
More resources from Growing Together
As part of the Growing Together project, our partner organisations produced a whole range of materials for connecting urban and rural youth, and building food sovereignty. You can find some of the outlines for workshops we ran during the project here, …
Joint youth declaration on food sovereignty
We worked with urban and rural young people from across Europe to put together a joint vision for the future of our food and farming system based on food sovereignty.
What is climate justice? Infographic
Stopping climate breakdown means fighting for climate justice. Here’s why.
Toolkit For Intersectional Movement Building
This toolkit is full of articles, tools and case studies coming from the three-year journey YFoEE has taken to make our movement more inclusive. It is filled with volunteer initiatives, thoughts and personal experiences.
Toolkit: Non-Violent Communications Workshop
We build powerful movements by making sure everybody is empowered to be involved and nobody feels left out or overlooked. Here’s how.