As we start to see the impacts of climate change all around the world, it would be essential to stop being dependent on fossil fuels.
But despite this urgent need, oil companies teamed up with the Canadian government and trying to bring tar sands, the most polluting fossil fuel, into Europe.
An important day for the climate movement
Activists from Push Europe, the campaign partly run by YFOEE, decided that they join the International Stop The Tar Sands Day to tell European leaders that tar sands should not be allowed in Europe.
We at YFOEE decided to support the initiative, as this is an action where many-many activities will happen all around the world. Not only the tar sands action day, but activists from will connect the dots between emissions and climate impacts, and many #Occupy actions will happen about climate change and the environment.
This is the time to join, and it’s not too late!
It’s possible to take part of this day just by investing as little as 15 minutes of your time, getting some friends together for a photo shoot.
>> Download the Action Kit here! <<
You can read more about the issue on the Push Europe website:
And there are downloadable resources like the toolkit, but also banners and a press release template here:
Register an action now!
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Online activity
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Twitter ::: @PushEurope2012 and #TarSands
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